Monday, May 7, 2012

Broccoli, Cabbage Worms & Coca Cola

Everything is growing great. Have had a major infestation of Imported Cabbage Worms. I blogged about them earlier. I noticed the white butterflies all over my garden weekend before last and from what I have read, one can expect an infestation soon. Well, that's right. If you plant cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts and/or cauliflower and you see pretty little white butterflies dancing from plant to plant, grab a tennis racket and start swinging.
My wife and I have easily picked off around 200-300 of the caterpillars that hatch from their eggs. I think we have salvaged the broccoli and brussel sprouts, not sure if the cabbage will make it though.

New Plantings:
4 Eggplant
2 Pickling Cucumber
2 Straight 8 Cucumber
1 Straight Neck Squash
3 sets of pole green beans (planted around sunflower stalks)
About 15 Marigold seeds (meant to attract beneficial insects and repel harmful insects)

If you've ever wondered what Broccoli looks like, here you go. Looks like I'll be steaming some up very soon.

Sunflowers! Put a Coca Cola can next to the plants for size comparison. I am using  2 of the  Sunflower plants as  supporting structures for pole beans...more on that later.

Basil...I look forward to eating lots of this...especially with tomatoes .

Fortunately the Pineapple Sage has made a good comeback from the damage done during one of the frost. See earlier post for a picture of the damage immediately after the frost. Oh yeah, the leaves smell just like sweet's awesome!

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