Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunflower Germination

My Mammoth Sunflower seedlings have germinated. I've never started any plants from seeds so I was very excited to see these leaves sticking out of the dirt (see pics below). I planted them last Sunday (April 1) and thought it may be 10-14 days till germination. They are Mammoth sunflowers. I planted them for several reasons:

  1. To help attract beneficial insects (aka..beneficials) to the garden. Beneficials prey on the pest that eat your plants. Wasps and ladybugs are examples of beneficials. For example, wasps will eat caterpillars and ladybugs will eat aphids.
  2. As the stalk for a 3-sisters garden, which consist of sunflowers (or corn), pole beans, and squash.
  3. They just plain look cool, as the Mammoth's grow 8 to 10 feet tall.
Lastly, my broccoli appears to be doing really well and with a cool spell expected for the next five days I expect the brussel sprouts and cabbage to do well also.

Notice the 3 sets of seedlings across the middle of the pic, these are the Mammoth Sunflowers...expected to reach 8-10 feet.

Broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cabbage all doing fairly well... especially the broccoli.

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